Monday, January 20, 2014

Did James Ray Kill Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

Yes I know what your thinking, I know who killed Dr. King James Ray, he confessed and everything. But did you know that in 1999, three decades after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s family filed a civil suit against the government and proved that the federal government was involved in the assassination? 

James Ray recanted his confession and at the trial his lawyer William F. Pepper called 70 witnesses to the stand, and they testified on every aspect of the assassination. After only an hour of deliberation, the jury came back with a guilty verdict for all the defendants including Lloyd Jowers.

Check out the Trial Transcripts here for proof.

Who is Lloyd Jowers?  Well he was a Memphis PD officer in the 40's and also owned a restaurant called Jim's Grill. This is where all the planning took place. The tape that he made incriminated several people including MPD officer Marrell McCollough, Earl Clark, who was an MPD lieutenant known for his marksmanship.  There were two other men there that Jower's didn't know but he thought they were representatives of the federal government.

"While Dr. King was in Memphis, he was under open or eye-to-eye federal surveillance by the 111th Military Intelligence Group based at Fort McPherson in Atlanta, Georgia. Memphis PD intelligence officer Eli Arkin even admitted to having the group in his own office. During his last visit to Memphis in late March of 1968, MLK was under covert surveillance, meaning his room at the Rivermont was bugged and wired. Even if he went out to the balcony to speak, his words were recorded via relay. William Pepper alleges in his closing argument during King v. Jowers that such covert surveillance was usually done by the Army Security Agency, implying the involvement of at least two federal agencies."

Jowers also implemented Sam Donaldson on "Prime Time Live" in 1993. He says that he was asked by produce warehouse owner Frank Liberto to help with MLK's murder. Liberto had mob connections and sent Jowers $100,000 to hold at his restaurant.

"John McFerren owned a store in Memphis and was making a pickup at Liberto's warehouse at 5:15 p.m. on April 4th, roughly 45 minutes before the assassination. McFerren testified that he overheard Liberto tell someone over the phone, "Shoot the son of a bitch on the balcony." Other witnesses who testified included café owner Lavada Addison, who was friends with Liberto in the 1970s. She recalled him confiding to her that he "had Martin Luther King killed." Addison's son, Nathan Whitlock, also testified. He asked Liberto if he killed MLK, and he responded, "I didn't kill the nigger but I had it done." When Whitlock pressed him about James Earl Ray, Liberto replied, "He wasn't nothing but a troublemaker from Missouri. He was a front man ... a setup man."'

This is such a grand scheme how did they keep it covered up for so long? The MPD had officers go out and destroy and evidence near the restaurant that might be found and could reveal the real killers.  They had their scapegoat, James Ray and they paid him to make sure he wouldn't say otherwise. The federal governments put agents in place to make sure they would be able to control and contain any information that would have the public think otherwise.

Surprised? You really shouldn't be, Dr. King threatened the people in power's way of life, and the power they hold over the country. They wanted to keep that power, and all the profit. continuing their oppressive, debilitating reign over Black America. Dr. King was in the middle of demanding change to the poverty laws, when he was assassinated. He organizing to gather people to camp out on the National Mall to demand anti-poverty laws. This didn't only threaten the government, but all the corporations that were benefiting from the laws as they were.

Dr. King did not only threaten the governments power, but he had the means to bring about a change. The government would do anything to stop him. They thought murdering him would be the end. They were far from wrong. Regardless of their hateful, evil ways this country has become a better place for Black America. And though, we are not done with the fight for equality, we are headed in the right direction.

On this day let us remember MLK, and not let his death be in vain.

How the government killed Martin Luther King Jr.

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